Thursday, December 2, 2010

My Minutes Survey. (Kredit to Haffiz)

Name : cik fie.
Brother(s) : dont have
Eye colour : black 
Shoe size : sandals 8 and shoes 6
Hair : average and little bit curl
Piercings : nope
Height : 163 cm
What are you wearing right now : choclate shirt and a pink b***r
Where do you live : klang, selangor
Favourite number : three
Favourite drink : teh ais
Favourite month : february
Favourite breakfast : nasi lemak

-Have you ever-

Broken a bone : Nope
Been in a police car : absolutely not
Fallen for a friend : yes
Fallen for a guy/girl in a short period of time : i think yes
Swam in the ocean : yes
Fallen asleep in school : Always especially when history subject.
Broken someone's heart : Yes
Cried when someone died : Yes
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : yes
Saved e-mails : Yes
Been cheated on : Yes


Your room look like : a very sweet and lovely teen room mybe
What is right beside you : Sofa.
What is the last thing you ate : nasi grg kampung

-Ever Had-

Chicken pox : yes
Sore throat : yes
Stitches :  Yes
Broken nose : Not yet and hope never

-Do You-

Believe in love at first sight : of course.
Like picnics? : like like like !


Who did you last yell at? : forgot already
Who was the last person you danced with? : don't remember. i used to dance with someone in my primary school
Who last made you smile? : my cayang

-Final Questions-

What are you listening to right now? : love the way you lie part 2
What did you do today? : writing my blog
Are you the oldest? : No, the youngest.
Indoors or outdoors? : 80% indoor, 20% outdoor

-Today did you-

Talk to someone you like? : Not yet
Kiss anyone? : no
Sing? : i'm singing while i answering these queations 
Talk to an ex? : yes, on the phone
Miss someone ? : Always
Eat? : not yet

-Last person who-

You talked to on the phone? : my cayang
Made you cry? : still my cayang
Went to the movies with? : my sis, yesterday
You went to the mall with? : again my sis
Who cheered you up? : my love ones

-Have you-

Been to Mexico? : No
Been to USA? : no


Have a crush on someone? : of course yes
What books are you reading right now? : hate reading books
Best feeling in the world : emm dont know
Future kids name? : adaffi and dafiqah. HAHA.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? : absolutely not.
What's under your bed? : nothing
Favourite sport(s) : don't know
Favourite place : My room
Who do you really hate? : Who really hate me
Do you have a job? : i'm still a student
What time is it now? : 11:53 am

p/s : soe apiz, i changed the colour.

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